Photo Album: Exterior Views of the Mezquita of Cordoba

Around the Cordoba Mosque - Cathedral and in the Patio de los Naranjos

The famous "Mezquita de Cordoba", now the "Church-Cathedral" and also called the "Mosque - Cathedral of Cordoba", is an enormous building. Including the enclosed Patio de los Naranjos (Orange Tree Courtyard), it is some 22,000 square meters in area, with high ceilings perched on top of double arches and the towering structure of the cathedral rising from the center of the original Mosque. One of the largest buildings in Spain, this 9th century jewel of Islamic architecture makes an imposing monument from the outside. Here are a sampling of the photos of the Mosque and its richly decorated facades, along with photos of the Patio de los Naranjos. Each is accompanied by a short descriptive text. Check back in a few months for more.

Also see: Info Cordoba: Cordoba Spain tourist information home | Cordoba Mosque | More photos of Cordoba and Mezquita

SW facade
SW corner

West facade
Detail west facade

Virgen de los faroles - north facade
Chapel north facade

A western door
One of west doors

View Mezquita from south bank Guadalquivir
General night view

Night view of Mezquita
View from Bridge

SW facade - night
SW corner at night

West facade - night
West facade at night

Belfry at night
Bell tower at night

North side Mezquite at night
View north facade

Bell tower
Bell tower from Patio

Belfry through trees
Belfry at dusk

Fountain in Orange Tree Courtyard

Colonnade in Patio

Portico in Patio

Patio de los Naranjos
Orange Tree Courtyard

Reflecting pool in fountain
Belfry or Minaret?

cupola cathedral
Cupola from Patio

Call to mass

Portico Patio at night
N portico at dusk

© Tony Reed 2005. All photos ©2005 J. Entrenas.
