Visitor information and tourist guide for Cordoba Spain by Infocordoba


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Please take a moment to provide us with your opinion by answering one or more of the following questions. Feel free to answer only the questions where you feel your input will be helpful.

Infocordoba is an unofficial web site which does not enjoy financial or institutional support of any kind, and it's objective is to provide easy-to-read, quality information to English-speaking visitors and readers from abroad. You can help us by providing your opinion on how we are doing. Comments, suggestions, praise and constructive critiques by email are greatly appreciated.

If you want to help Infocordoba through a donation, you may specify an amount and send it to us through PayPal (which allows safe credit card payments online if you do not have a PayPal account).


Specific question areas: content | usability | readability | look | graphic design | comparison

If you choose to answer more than one question, you must submit your answers separately. I apologize for the inconvenience.

What do you think of Infocordoba's Content?
How would you describe the information on this web site?
Outstanding - good variety and depth of information


Infocordoba's User Friendliness
How would you describe Infocordoba's site navigation?
Excellent: I found what I was looking for easily
Good: Fairly natural organization, with a few problems
Poor: site organization needs improvement
Bad: Your linking and menus are confusing



Were Infocordoba's texts pleasant to read?
How would you describe the "readability" of the texts on this web site?
Excellent: very well-written and interesting.
Good: generally easy and pleasant to read.
Average: Better than bad translations from Spanish, but nothing special.
Poor: I didn't enjoy reading the information because it was badly written or boring.
Terrible: Why did I bother reading this when there are English translations on official web sites or one-page city summaries on general Spain travel sites?


How does Infocordoba look to you?
How would you describe Infocordoba's visual first impression?
Professional-looking: looks like commercial/official web site
Pleasant: it's nice to look at
Unobtrusive / discrete
Unattractive: distracts from user experience
Very amateur: makes a bad impression


Should Infocordoba invest in a professional graphic design job?
Does this web site need a professional graphic designer?
Yes - I want more graphics, images and Flash animations.
Yes - a professional touch would improve the site.
No - it's fine the way it is.
No - I like your non-corporate, personal look.
No - I don't want heavy graphics or vivid colors; just give me the information fast!
I don't know anything about graphic design either, so don't ask me!


How does Infocordoba compare?
How does Infocordoba compare to other sites with information about Cordoba?
Much better: Infocordoba has more in-depth information in English than any other site I have found so far.
Better: Not complete, but in general superior to other sites I have found in my search results.
Worse: I found other English sites on Cordoba more helpful and better written in general.
Much worse: other sites have much more information in English.
I don't know: I didn't find the information about Cordoba I was looking for on any other web sites except Infocordoba!


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